Thursday, June 17, 2021

Summerfest Carnival

 Al invited us to go to the Orem Summerfest Carnival with her and Wyatt and Hallee on Thursday. The rides were all $1 that day. The lines were long, but luckily it was a cool day and the kids had fun with their cousins.

I stayed with Damon, Tessa, and Hallee and did the rides they wanted to do. Al took Wyatt and Rockwell to the older rides. It was nice that they could all be happy and choose what they wanted to do. There were some that they all wanted to do, so Al and I got some time to visit in those lines too. It was a fun afternoon!

We roasted hot dogs and s'mores that night. It's been a very hot summer so far, and so it was great to spend so much time outside on this cooler day.


  1. I'm so glad you guys came. It was so much more fun with you guys there.

  2. The pictures are great and that looked like some fun rides for $1! I'm glad it was a cooler day for you and that the cousins had so much fun together!
