Thursday, June 17, 2021

Upper Falls

 I took the kids to hike Upper Falls. I was a little concerned about how steep it is for Damon, but figured we could take it as slow as we needed to. They all did great on the way up! Tessa and Damon had been complaining before we left saying they didn't want to hike, but about halfway up Tessa said, "Mom I regret saying I didn't want to come here. This is awesome!" Damon followed with a quick, "Me too!" I'm glad they liked it so much.

It really is a beautiful hike and I think they liked the challenge of it.
They always like when they can walk right up to the waterfall and feel the water.
The views are pretty everywhere you look!
When we got down to the car Rockwell asked when we can do that hike again. I told him I'm always up for hiking in the canyon and he said, "Great, tomorrow then?" :) It was one of those awesome hikes where everyone really enjoyed themselves. I love those!!

When we got home we played on Damon's splash mat again. It was a great summer day.


  1. That is great that they loved it so much. That splash mat looks so fun!

  2. I loved what Tessa and Damon said about the hike and that's great they did it! It does look beautiful. I'd like to do it sometime. I'm so glad they are having fun on the splash pad!
