Thursday, July 1, 2021


 We flew out to Mesa to visit Matt & Lori last Friday.

Al & Mel and their families went too, so it was quite a party! Everyone was excited to play in their pool on Saturday. It was 115 degrees over the weekend, so the pool felt amazing!
We were up super late Friday night and then swam all day Saturday, and it wore the kids out! They slept well that night!
We also went to a Flea Market Saturday morning and each picked out something we liked from one of the stalls. Damon loves his bubble machine, Rockwell found a marble penguin, Tessa chose a stuffed dog, and I got a hummingbird Arizona shirt. Paul didn't find anything that he wanted that would fit in our suitcases on the flight home. :)

Sunday was Father's Day, and Lori had a fun game of Guess Who The Dad Is. :) Paul, Matt, and Keith were behind the sheet and would answer questions using a voice-changer while we tried to figure out who was who. The kids thought that was a lot of fun, and wanted turns behind the sheet too.
We were able to listen to Matt speak in church over Zoom, and spend some more time in the pool.

We all fell in love with Maizy while we were there. She is such a sweet dog!


  1. Sounds like so much fun and Lori is so clever with her games and activities. The guess the dad game sounded really cute! Great pictures!!

  2. It was such a fun trip. Having you guys there made it so much fun!
