Friday, July 9, 2021

Stadium of Fire

We decided to take the whole family to Stadium of Fire this year. We invited Grandma and Gramps to come with us since we know that Grandma really likes Colin Raye. They came over for dinner before the show. They brought Damon a really fun birthday present. It's a Fence Fort, which I know he's going to have a great time setting up and pretending all sorts of things with.

It was a hot walk to the stadium and we were happy to find our seats and eat some ice cream.
I sure love a good patriotic night, and Stadium of Fire is always very well done.
Tessa noticed that the Fun Squad was sitting four rows behind us. They are Damon's favorite You Tubers, and he was so excited to see them in real life!! They are a family who makes videos in their house of them playing games and playing pranks on each other. He was turned around like this a lot of the night just watching what they were doing. :)
After the show was over, the kids went up and met three of the Fun Squad kids. They were super nice and asked Tessa and Damon what kind of videos they want to see more of. They also offered to take a picture with them. They all thought it was so cool!
David Archuletta made a guest appearance and sang one song with The Millennial Choir.
Colin Raye put on a fun concert. He has some great songs!
Tessa thought it was fun to hold up the flashlight on our phones and sway to the music.
Nitro Circus was there and did a ton of tricks on their motorcycles. I couldn't get a good picture where you could actually see what was happening, but Paul took a picture of what my face was like during their whole show. :)
It was terrifying to me. I kept flinching with every trick. I really didn't enjoy that part because I was so worried that someone was going to get hurt. I think Paul and the kids enjoyed it though! :) Lee Greenwood was the last performer of the night. We didn't recognize any of his songs except for the last one, God Bless The USA. But that one was simply amazing!! The whole crowd stood and sang along. I loved it!!
The fireworks were fun to see.
It was a late night, but a really fun one!


  1. Great pictures but I especially loved the ones of Damon so excited about that family behind you and the one of your face during the tricks on the motorcycles! I'm glad it was so good!

  2. The stadium of fire looked amazing. That's great that they had so many great singers. I love the picture of Damon getting so excited about seeing his favorite YouTubers. That is so cool that they got to meet them and take a picture with them. How fun!

  3. Dinner with you was great! I hope Damon is liking his fort. Stadium was so fun - especially after we cooled down with the ice cream and the sun went down. Scorcher! Colin Raye was awesome. I didn't know the motorcycles were so painful for you! That's how I feel watching America's Funniest Home videos.
