Monday, July 5, 2021

Gymnastics Meet

 Tessa had her first gymnastics meet on Saturday. Her gym did a meet just for their own students, which I think is an awesome way to help the gymnasts learn how a meet works in a low-pressure environment. They learned how to salute the judges, cheer for each other, and how to perform with a crowd watching. Tessa did such a great job! Her first event was floor.

She was frustrated with messing up on her "vault." She jumped too early, which made it so she didn't land correctly on the springboard. Her flat-back on the mat afterward was great though.

Next she did bars, and did well on that. Bars are her favorite event.

And her last event was beam. She rocked her beam routine!! Her form was so good, and she was able to do a more challenging routine than most the rest of her level. 

Because of her disappointment with the vault routine, she didn't think she would earn a medal. But her scores were high enough on the other events that she earned 1st place in the all-around for her level. It was adorable to see her excitement when they called her name!

She is very proud of her gold medal. We're all very proud of her too. She works hard at class and practices at home, and it is paying off. She's learning and progressing, and loving it!


  1. Great blog! Tessa looks like she's quite the gymnast! All of the pictures you posted show amazing things she's able to do! I'm very impressed!! Great job Tessa!

  2. I love love love this! You can tell that Tessa is in her element. I can't wait to come watch her in action.
