Friday, July 9, 2021

Life Lately

 Paul and I have been able to go on some fun dates lately. It sure is nice that Rockwell can babysit the younger kids now! We went to Les Mis with Mel, Ataiya, and Ataiya's friend. It was absolutely amazing! The talent and the staging were incredible. Thanks for getting those tickets for us Mel!

We also got to see Guys & Dolls at Hale. We didn't know that story at all before going, but it was cute and entertaining. 
Provo Temple has opened back up and we got an appointment in June. It was really great to be able to go back inside the temple.

I took the kids to the Provo Rec Center to swim. We took Rockwell's friend Ezra with us so they could go off on their own, and I could stay with Tessa and Damon. These are the only pictures I got since I was swimming the whole time. :) It was a really fun day.

The kids and I went to Grove Creek to see the flag.
We just hiked to the benches under the flag this time since Tessa has a cold and isn't feeling her best. The kids had a great time playing with all the rocks at that spot. It's fun to have this quick, unique outing so close to home.

It's been such a hot summer! I've hardly spent any time on the hammock watching the hummingbirds because it's just too hot. There was one night that wasn't unbearable and so Rockwell and I laid out there and were able to see a hummingbird eating from the flowers. I wish it wasn't so hot so we could be out there more.


  1. How great that Rockwell can babysit now and that you and Paul can go on some fun dates! I'm surprised you could get tickets for Les Miserable but glad you could. I'd love to see it again also! I keep hoping that the heat will let up but it doesn't look like it's going to soon! Fun pictures!

  2. I'm glad you and Paul have had so many fun dates!
