Saturday, February 26, 2022

Hogle Zoo

 We had Tuesday off school for a teacher work day, and the Loosli's had the day off too. It was $2 Day at Hogle Zoo, so we braved the cold and went. 

It was seriously cold!! The indoor exhibits were really nice. :) The kids didn't seem to mind the weather too bad, they were just happy to be hanging out with their cousins at the zoo.
Damon got a front-row spot for the polar bear's little show he was putting on. He swam back and forth over and over. It was fun to watch.
Tessa was very disappointed there wasn't a cougar! We found a statue of one, and so we thought there would be one somewhere. She is very into big cats right now.
She loved all the little cats too though!
It was a fun way to spend our day off school! Thanks for letting us join you Loosli Fam!!


  1. I love the selfie. I'm so glad you guys came with us.

  2. I haven't been to Hogle in the winter. Looks like the kids got to see lots of animals though.
