Sunday, February 13, 2022

We got the Rona

 Covid-19 has gone through a few variants in the two years since the pandemic began. The original "Rona," then Delta, and the current wave is Omicron. Delta was a very severe wave symptomatically. Omicron isn't nearly as severe in how it makes you feel, but it is super contagious and fast-spreading. The kids and I were hanging out at Al's house when Damon came to me and said he had a headache and was coughing a ton. I hadn't heard him cough at all, so I just told him to let me know how he felt in half an hour. He came back pretty soon and said he felt bad, so we left right away. (Thankfully Al's family didn't get it! I would have felt so bad if we got them sick.) He woke up the next morning with a fever, and then later that day I got the headache and cough as well. Rockwell got it the day after that. The Covid testing sites were overwhelmed with all the people getting sick at the same time (it was flying through our community at the time we got it), and so Governor Cox advised to assume you have Omicron and just stay home instead of getting tested. Our symptoms matched Omicron perfectly, and so we just assumed we had it. Somehow Tessa and Paul didn't end up with symptoms, the lucky ducks!!

We found ways to entertain ourselves while we were home sick. The school already had a couple online learning days scheduled in hopes of limiting contact between people and getting the schools deep cleaned. Rockwell and Tessa were able to keep up with their schoolwork online pretty well even on the days that weren't online learning ones since their teachers put most things online anyway. Mrs Smith came over each afternoon and brought Damon his schoolwork and picked up anything he was finished with. She's amazing!! Her and some other teachers from the school went to Disneyland together and she brought back a keychain and sucker for each of the kids in her class. Damon was so excited that she brought his over to the house for him!

Another day she stopped by, she brought his certificate and prize for completing all the the Gumball Math for the year. That's quite an accomplishment to complete it by the end of the year, let alone in January!! Damon is working so hard at learning this year, and we're so grateful he's in Mrs Smith's class where the environment is set up to help each child reach their potential. Way to work hard Damon!!
We spent a lot of time in the hot tub once the headaches and fevers passed.
Damon wore a new swimsuit and we all thought the drain in his back pocket was pretty funny!
Paul helped Rockwell build the catapult that he got for Christmas. We all had fun trying to catch marshmallows in our mouths. :)

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys made the most of your quarantine time. I still can't believe how thoughtful Damon's teacher is, that is great!
