Sunday, October 23, 2022

Palm Springs Part 2

 We swam most the day Saturday as well.

This may be my favorite picture from the trip. :) Nice toe touch Paul!!
He wore himself out being a super fun dad!!
Chad got off work a little early and came and swam with us. We had gotten out to have a cannonball contest and noticed that it looked like a storm was coming. Within about 10 seconds, an absolutely crazy wind storm blew in! There were instantly things flying everywhere. We all ran inside and luckily none of us were hit by anything. The kids thought we were in a tornado for sure. There were trees breaking and the awning broke off the roof, so there were loud scary noises along with things flying all over the place.
When it calmed down enough to go outside, Paul and Chad tried to see if they could fix the awning, but it was definitely broken. They pulled all the big stuff out of the pool, and we were shocked at how much was in there.
There was about half a tree, a table, and 3 chairs. That was the end of swimming for the trip. 

On Sunday we decided to ride the Palm Springs Tram. 
A shuttle took us up to the base of the mountain where we could buy tickets.
We had some time to kill so we looked around the souvenir shop, ate some lunch, and Rockwell learned what a pay phone is. :)
The ride up on the tram is about 15 minutes, and it rotates so you get 360 degree views of the mountains and the valley.
It's much cooler at the top of the mountain, and it felt great! We were able to hike around on some trails and enjoy a much different kind of beauty than down in the desert.
It was a fun Fall Break, and we were glad we could spend time with Chad!

Fall Break in Palm Springs

 We decided to go visit Chad for Fall Break this year. It's a little over a 9 hour drive to Palm Springs, so we felt like that was doable. Chad's friend got us a great deal on a super nice house there!

It had a casita attached, so Chad stayed in that. It had a pool in the backyard, a heart rock garden right outside the front door, and hummingbirds living in the trees. It was perfect. :)
The kids were so excited to get in the pool when we got there!
We ordered some pizzas and visited with Chad while the kids swam all their wiggles out. :)
There is a street fair in downtown Palm Springs every Thursday, so we went and checked it out that night. 

On Friday, we spent the day in the pool. It was so nice to have a whole pool to ourselves!
The kids loved to see how big a splash Dad could make when he did a cannonball!
We ate at El Revolucionario for dinner that night. The kids loved it so much that we ate there every night for dinner the rest of the trip. :)
Rockwell loved his tacos so much that he asked for a picture with them. Haha!
Tessa and Rockwell found robes in the closets and wore them the rest of the trip any time we were in the house. 
We played games at night and had a great time visiting and laughing. Damon cracked us all up one night. He had been eating a box of candy, and Rockwell had taken a few out of his box. The box was meant for everyone, Damon just happened to be eating that box. Rockwell was making a borderline call in a game trying to win, and Damon goes, "Man Rockwell, you cheat and you steal candy from kids! Shame shame!" It was so funny!