Sunday, October 23, 2022

Around Our House

 Tessa has been working hard on getting her back walkover on the high beam at gymnastics. She came home from class one night and asked Paul, "If I get my back walkover, could I get ice cream to celebrate?" Paul told her we could probably do that and she said, "Great! Because I got it tonight!" Ha!

With the weather cooling down we've enjoyed the hot tub a little more lately.

Paul & Tessa made some good tortillas for us! They listened to Mariachi music, and had a great time together.

Rockwell had his first band concert. Band has been his favorite class this year. They had all the bands from Oak Canyon and a band from Timpanogos High and Pleasant Grove High. They all sounded great! It's fun to see Rockwell develop this new skill.

Tessa got to have a Grandma sleepover with Hallee! She loved it so much. I'm really not used to any of our kids being away from us overnight, so I missed her a ton. She had such a good time though!!

Our Governerd book club this week was with the authors of The Office BFFs. Jenna (who plays Pam on The Office) and Angela (who plays Angela :) were just delightful to talk with!! The usual time is an hour, but we went over with them because they were happy to just keep chatting. 
It was so fun! I loved hanging out with these ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Well played Tessa, well played! That book club looks so fun!
