Sunday, January 29, 2023

Life Lately

 Damon has started playing basketball and he loves it!

He wants to practice every day. He bundles up and plays outside.
It's been fun to watch him play, and fun to see him so excited about it.

Paul took Tessa on a Daddy Daughter Date Friday night. Tessa of course chose Cafe Rio for dinner. :)
Then they went in search of a Venus Fly Trap, and were able to find one at Lowe's. 
And last up, they got some ice cream at Macey's. They both had a great time on their date!!

The PTA did a read-a-thon event and invited the parents to come read with their kids. Jill was in Evie's class the same time I was there with Tessa, so we all read together. :)
Then I went to Damon's class and read with him.

We did a family movie night last night. We watched Secret Headquarters and had an ice cream bar. It was a really fun night!
Tessa and Damon loved building their bowl of ice cream.
And Rockwell chose a bowl of popcorn instead of ice cream. :)
We may have partied a little too late into the night, because I had to wake Damon up this morning for church and he was not happy about it. :) I told him and Tessa to head downstairs and start eating breakfast, and then I dropped Rockwell off at the church to set up chairs. When I got back home, Damon was eating breakfast with sunglasses on and complaining about how bright the lights were. Haha! He seemed to have a little movie night hangover. :)

Monday, January 23, 2023

Everyday Adventures

 Poor Tessa got hit in the face and got a huge fat lip. :(

She was filming the boys playing with an exercise ball, and the ball accidentally came right at her and hit the phone into her mouth. Her braces cut up the inside of her lip. I sure hate it when my kids get hurt!

Speaking of...Damon called home from school twice in the past week because he's gotten hurt at school. On Monday he was running out to recess and stepped in a puddle. The puddle was actually just ice, and he fell hard on the side of his head! Mrs Cooper said it was so weird because it really looked like a huge puddle, but somehow the bottom of it was just straight ice. The poor thing was soaking and muddy all up the left side of his body, and his ear was swollen and cut in 2 places, and he also had a couple bloody scrapes on his head just above his ear. I didn't think to take a picture before he showered and got all cleaned up, but you can see his swollen ear here. :(

Hallee & Wyatt came over on Saturday to play. The boys played a lot of different video games, and the girls came up with lots to do. They made some vision boards.
Tessa wanted pictures of her besties on it, and she put a picture of a back walkover on the beam. That's what she's working on learning at gymnastics right now. 
They also did a lot of dancing, which was adorable. :)

On one of the really snowy days lately, the boys had all gone out to shovel. Kim started a snowball fight with Damon. He thought that was so much fun!

Paul and I went to Bright Star in Concert at the Eccles Theatre. Carmen Cusack, who was the lead on Broadway, performed along with Casey Elliott from Gentri. Bright Star is my favorite play, so I was excited to go hear all the music. We were pleasantly surprised that Mama & Papa Bonner were in it, along with two people that we really like from Pickleville Playhouse. They did an amazing job, and Paul and I really enjoyed it! 
We got there early and had planned on walking over to Red Iguana for dinner before the show. But we noticed a new Indian restaurant had opened right across from the theatre, so we went there instead. It was so good! Very authentic food, and it was fun to eat some gulab jamun and naan again!

Elephant Arch

 We also hiked to Elephant Arch in St George on Saturday. We had a very active day, but we wanted to fit everything in since it wasn't raining that day. :) After The Grip Ninja we were starving, so we got some lunch at Irmita's before our hike.

The hike was a lot of fun. I loved the different landscapes than we're used to in northern Utah.
It was beautiful!
Tessa loved the tiny trees. :)
It was mostly a flat trail, until the last quarter mile. Then it got pretty steep.
We were all excited to find the elephant! Paul climbed up and found us a safe route to climb up to it.
It was pretty slippery to get back down, but we did it. Rockwell said that was his favorite part. He loved climbing on the rocks.
Tessa's legs needed a little break on the way back. After her meet, a ninja course, playing at the park, and hiking 4 miles... I didn't blame her. :)
We had such a fun time in St George! I'm glad we could go support Tessa, and also have a fun family getaway!

The Grip Ninja & Sports Village

Saturday morning we went to The Grip Ninja. It's included in our Get Out Passes that we got for Christmas, and it turned out to be right across the street from our Airbnb so we were able to walk over there.

The kids had a blast trying everything out.
Paul and I had some fun too. :)

Our Airbnb was in an apartment complex called Sports Village. It was such a fun place to stay because it had swimming (sadly it was too cold for that), pickleball, basketball, a park, tennis, racquetball, mini golf, and a game room. It was so nice to have all of that included! Tessa and Damon loved playing at the park.
We all enjoyed playing pickleball!
And we played many rounds of mini golf and ping pong. :)
I would stay at that Airbnb again just for all the fun activities that were on the property!