Sunday, January 1, 2023

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was wonderful this year! I love to see the kids' excitement when they come down the stairs, and then soak in their excitement and surprise and gratitude the rest of the morning. 

Damon was so excited for his Heely's that Santa brought him.
Tessa loves her Minky Couture blanket.
And Rockwell was thrilled with his new rollerblades.
I absolutely love watching the reactions on their faces!
The kids gave very thoughtful gifts to each other this year. They were really excited to watch each other open what they picked out for them. 
The kids loved the robes so much at the house in Palm Springs, so I thought they would like to have one of their own. They definitely loved them, and have worn them every moment we've been home all week.
I cannot get over how cute this picture of Damon is! :)
Tessa went and got her mug and said with that and her robe, she's basically a grown-up now. Haha!
We got the family Get Out Passes, which include visits to fun places like Lagoon, Provo Beach Resort, Airborne, etc. We'll be able to do fun family outings throughout the year.
I didn't get great pictures of Paul Christmas morning, so I made him pose with all his gifts later. :) He was happy with his lawn care set, food thermometer, Kindle, cd's, bandanas, juicing recipe book, pj pants, yoga mat, and socks. 
I loved my Barnes & Noble gift card, new beanies, hiking supplies, socks, hummingbird book, and Gem Studio gift card!
The kids had fun playing with their new games and toys that morning. They thought Girl Talk was really fun.
They spent so much time playing with these magic floating pens. You draw on a spoon, dip it in the water, and the picture you drew comes off the spoon and floats in the water. Then you can pick it up and make it into a temporary tattoo too. So fun!
After church Grandma and Grandpa Ham stopped by to see what the kids got and to bring them their gifts. It was great to see them.
Rockwell loves his Timpanogos sweatshirt, Tessa loves her leotard, and Damon loves his dart gun!


  1. You did so well at getting the kids surprised faces in pictures! Great job!
    We sure enjoyed having you come up here last night and playing games!

  2. The expressions are priceless. So funny that you made Paul pose with everything. How great that your folks always come to share in the fun!

  3. I love love love the excited faces on Christmas morning. You captured them so well, it makes me feel their excitement.
