Thursday, January 5, 2023

Christmas Break Week 2

 The Cheney's came over for dinner Tuesday night and we were all so excited to see them again. The kids loved playing with Big Boy Asher and Baby Liam all night.

Asher has always had the best laugh, and we all loved sitting in the front room listening to him laugh and laugh playing this game with Paul and Damon. So stinking cute!

I took the kids to see Puss in Boots at the Water Gardens. The kids liked it a lot, and I got a nice little nap. :)

We went and hung out with Katie and Audrey and their kids. It feels like it's been a while since we've seen them, so it was great to be together again.

I took Rockwell to do baptisms at the Provo City Center Temple. Then we went and wandered Barnes & Noble and spent one of my gift cards. :) It was a fun morning!

Paul organized and cleaned out our coupon drawer, so we've been using a lot of coupons over the break. We went to lunch at Brick Oven since the kids all had a free meal there. It was delicious!

We went to Paul's school so he could work on a couple things, and so the kids could ride their rollerblades and Heely's. It was a great way for them to get some energy out!

Rockwell gave me some yummy Harry Potter treats for Christmas. We've been watching those movies with him lately, and it was fun to eat a Chocolate Frog and some Butter Beer chews while we watched.

It's been very rainy this week, so we've tried to find things to do indoors. We went to Classic Skating on Friday...and so did everyone else in Utah County. :) It was packed, but the kids didn't seem to mind. Damon tried rollerblading for a little bit, and then switched to a scooter. He thought the blackout, with strobe lights and fog was the absolute coolest thing ever!! It was adorable.

We watched the Michigan football game on New Year's Eve. It was stressful, and they ended up losing the game. We were tense and frustrated, so it was really nice to get some good news as soon as the game ended. Johanna & Caleb had their baby!! We're all so excited that Rosalind Anne Ham is here and healthy! Now I can't wait to meet her in person. :)

We went to Grandma & Grandpa Ham's house to play some games that night. It was really fun! We didn't want to stay up until midnight, but we wanted to celebrate the New Year in some way, so this was perfect.


  1. You got some really great pictures and really caught such fun expressions on your children's faces! I love it and we sure enjoyed playing games with you on New Year's Eve!

  2. That's so fun that they can ride their roller blades at Paul's school!
