Monday, January 23, 2023

Elephant Arch

 We also hiked to Elephant Arch in St George on Saturday. We had a very active day, but we wanted to fit everything in since it wasn't raining that day. :) After The Grip Ninja we were starving, so we got some lunch at Irmita's before our hike.

The hike was a lot of fun. I loved the different landscapes than we're used to in northern Utah.
It was beautiful!
Tessa loved the tiny trees. :)
It was mostly a flat trail, until the last quarter mile. Then it got pretty steep.
We were all excited to find the elephant! Paul climbed up and found us a safe route to climb up to it.
It was pretty slippery to get back down, but we did it. Rockwell said that was his favorite part. He loved climbing on the rocks.
Tessa's legs needed a little break on the way back. After her meet, a ninja course, playing at the park, and hiking 4 miles... I didn't blame her. :)
We had such a fun time in St George! I'm glad we could go support Tessa, and also have a fun family getaway!


  1. I'm glad you had such a fun time in St. George and I could understand Tessa needing a break during your hike. That does look slippery and steep coming down and I'm sure going up too!

  2. I like the way you always seem to maximize the family fun when you travel.

  3. That elephant arch is so cool. That last picture of you and Tessa is so cute, you are beautiful Tiff!
