Monday, January 23, 2023

St George Gymnastics Meet

 Tessa had her first competitive gymnastics meet in St George Friday night.

The kids had the day off school on Friday, so it was nice that we could head down there with plenty of time to check in to our apartment, eat some dinner, and do Tessa's hair for the meet. There were teams from all over Utah and one from Wyoming, and it was fun to see the routines that each of the other gyms had come up with. Tess did a great job on her routines, and we all enjoyed watching her!
We had seats right in front of the beam, so we got a great view of that. She was so close to sticking her cartwheel! I could see a lot of improvement from their practice meet a few weeks ago. Great job Tessa! She scored a 9.075 on beam.
We didn't have a great view of the floor, but from what we could see she did great. :) She scored a 9.35 on floor. 
She had her high score on bars, at 9.6!!! It was awesome!
And she scored a 9.2 on vault. She had a solid night, and we're so proud of her!
We had no idea how they do the awards ceremony at these meets, but we learned that the girls are split into sub-levels within Level 3. I'm not clear on how the sub-levels are determined, but I would guess it has something to do with age. Each sub-level got medals for each event, plus the all-around. Tessa got 5th place on beam, and 3rd place on floor, vault, and bars.
I love love love this picture! Tessa and Morgan were so excited for Lena earning 1st place on 3 events!! The girls were all so happy for each other and supported and cheered for each other the whole night. I love that!
Tessa's scores earned her 2nd place in the all-around, which totals up the scores from all 4 events. She was thrilled with that!!
It was fun to see these cuties so proud of themselves! They work hard every week and they had so much fun performing the routines they've been practicing.
The meet had such a fun energy, and Tessa said it was the best weekend ever!
Her brothers were so sweet and kept telling her what a great job she did.
We're all proud of you Tessa Girl!


  1. Wow! Great job Tessa!! I wish I could have seen you perform! I love the pictures and am so proud of you for doing so well!

  2. She looks so cute in her jacket! I'm so glad she had such a good experience. You can see her amazing form in the pictures, I can't wait to watch her live! I want you to teach me how to do Hallee's hair like that.
