Sunday, January 1, 2023

Christmas with the Clark's

 We went to Grandma and Gramps' house for Christmas Dinner. Damon got a little power nap on the way there, and then was ready to party. :)

We played Cover Your Kingdom after dinner, and Damon and Hayden tied so they both got to wear the tiny crown. :)
McKay had been commenting on Paul's hair Friday night and saying that's the cut he wants, so Paul brought his clippers and gave him a haircut. It turned out great!
We opened presents after the game. Damon loves his safe to hide all of his treasures in.
Paul's excited to try some new recipes from his Mediterranean cookbooks.
Rockwell loves his new Harry Potter Lego set.
You know Tessa loves her new wolf mom and babies stuffed animals!!
And you know I love the Barnes & Noble gift card! Thanks for all the great gifts Grandma and Gramps!!
There was an extra present with a tag written to me, from ?. I figured Brent had another prank up his sleeve, but was hilariously surprised to see the BYU purse that Chad got in the white elephant game at Marlene's on Friday night. So funny!!
We had dessert and then played Scum with giant cards. It was so funny to watch them try and manage holding a hand of cards that size! Haha!
Tessa and Brylie made up a couple dances with their new ribbons. It was super cute to watch. Grandma has some gymnastics mats in the basement, and Tessa and Brylie loved doing tumbling passes down there all night.


  1. Looks like lots of fun and I'm glad Christine could find Tessa some wolf stuffed animals!

  2. This was probably my favorite Christmas in recent years I laughed so much and loved having all my family around me. You took some great photos, Tiff.

  3. I love the giant cards! It looks like a great night.
