Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Kaua'i Day 6

 Monday was a very rainy day! A lot of times the rain in Kaua'i is very light and it really doesn't stop us from doing stuff. But this was hard rain, and all day long. There was a little bit when it let up, and Damon spotted this beautiful rainbow from the lanai.

But the rain started up again shortly. It was pretty crazy how humid it got with all that rain. Rockwell's phone wouldn't charge, and had a warning symbol that his phone was too wet! And the sliding glass doors looked like they had been rained on, but they are totally covered by the lanai. It was just humidity collecting on the glass! We decided to try the south side of the island and see if it was drier there. 
It was rainy on the other side of the island too, so we went to the shops at the Coconut Marketplace and got some shave ice at Wailua Shave Ice. This one is Paul's #1 favorite.
Marissa had told us about a little inlet where there are always sea turtles near Poipu Beach, so we went there. We love driving through this tree tunnel!
It was pretty tricky to find the inlet, but Paul called Marissa and she helped us find it. There were so many turtles on the rocks and swimming in the water. It was really cool!

We stopped for dinner at The Cabana Bar & Grill. 
The shrimp tacos were delicious, and the double rainbows when the rain finally stopped for good were awesome too!
We headed over to Brennecke's Beach to try to get a little time in at the beach. Brennecke's is right across the grass from Poipu Beach, but it has huge waves that are great for boogie boarding. They were so big that it made me pretty nervous, but Paul and Rockwell absolutely loved them! They stayed in until the sun was completely down and had a blast.

1 comment:

  1. The shaved ice looks so good. I love that tunnel of trees!
