Wednesday, January 29, 2025

BYU Indoor Track Meet

 Rockwell has started Track practice at Timpanogos now. The coaches told him he will be on the mid-distance team, which means his options for events will be the 400m, 800m, and the 4x400m relay. He seemed okay with that since he loved the 400 and the relay so much last year. The season doesn't officially start for a while still, but the kids were highly encouraged to run in a BYU indoor pre-season meet. Rockwell chose to run the 400 and the 800.

He finished the 400 with a time of 56.91 seconds. He was really happy with that time!!
The indoor track at BYU is mostly in a tunnel, so we could only see him run past for about 150m of each run.
He wasn't as happy with his time for the 800. He finished in 2:20.47. We think he did great, but he's his own worst critic. He also just doesn't enjoy that length of a race, so hopefully he'll figure out how to hate it less throughout the season. :)
I guess the team feels like these pre-season meets are okay to goof around a little more. Luke ran the 800 in jean shorts and a Snoop Dogg shirt. He was out in front of his heat most the time, and the announcer was having so much fun announcing that Luke was killing it in his jorts and t-shirt. It was so funny, and Luke is a legend on the team now!! 

1 comment:

  1. Rockwell is such a stud! And the boy in jorts and a snoop dog shirt, that is hilarious.
