Damon came to open gym with Tessa and me. It's a great place for him to get 2 hours worth of energy out. :)
Tessa and Morgan opened a Five Below Twister knock-off game they found in our game closet.
We were laughing so hard at how small the game board was. :)
Rockwell made us some pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, and they were delicious! Thanks Rockwell!!
Chad came to town for Christmas and spent a couple days at our house. Cade and Emilie came over one afternoon and hung out and then the siblings went to lunch together.
We played a few rounds of Cover Your Kingdoms with Chad. :)
Tessa and I made the mints for Christmas Eve.
And Damon and I made the cherry chocolate bars.
The day after Christmas we went to Adria's for the Barth-Robbins party. Tessa and Damon were so excited to see the rabbits!
For one of our white elephant gifts we took the belly button fanny pack that Rockwell brought home from his cross country party. It was a hit for sure! Haha.
I went to Mexico with my siblings for the last week of Christmas break. Paul and the kids had a great time while I was gone! They went to Classic, bowling, to a late-night movie, had Grandma and Gramps over for dinner, went to Brick Oven with family, Rockwell went ice skating, partied, and went skiing at Sundance with his friends.
Looks like you guys had a good break. I love that first picture of Damon on the rings.