Al, Mel and I took on all the Christmas Eve cooking this year. I made the cheese bread, which has high expectations (haha), and I was relieved that it turned out well.
We played Christmas Bingo after dinner and the whole group played together this year.
Al took cute pictures of all the couples.
I got to hold Judah for quite a while and I just love him!!
Caitlyn helped Grandma play. Cait's always so good with Grandma.
We watched the Nativity movie downstairs and Grandpa bore his testimony.
Grandpa made the Grab Box for everyone.
It's crazy how small the group of kids is these days!
Mel made a little grab box for her grandkids. They're so stinking cute!
We gave Grandma a few boxes of hot chocolate. She loves having hot chocolate every day!! And we gave Grandpa the set of Laurel & Hardy dvds. He could use some laughs right now!
Matt & Lori sent Grandma a fart machine. She thinks toots are very funny these days. :)
All the kids gave Grandma & Grandpa a ton of freezer meals. Mel offered to make them, and they should last for quite a while. That was a really thoughtful gift and we're grateful to Mel for spending all that time baking!
It was great to spend Christmas Eve with the family in Grandma & Grandpa's home!!
That was a great night!