Tessa had her Intersquad Meet and it was really exciting to get back to meet season!
Tessa got a haircut a couple weeks ago to get ready for competition hairdos. :)
This is the meet where it's just Arete teams in their own gym. They bring in a couple judges and get the girls some experience performing their new routines and receiving feedback from the judge. I think it's so wise that they do this before their first competition, and then can work out any wrinkles at practice over the next couple weeks. Tessa came out with some pretty good scores for the first "meet"!!! She got a 9.3 on beam.
9.6 on floor.
Her routine song is Sax this year and Genieve put some real cute sass and flexibility in her choreography. :)
She got an 8.7 on bars.
She was about to fall after her long hang kip, but she caught herself luckily with a back hip circle. I'm sure that's what took her into the 8's. The rest of her routine looked great and she has really improved her form on the skills that were in last year's routine.
She got 9.55 on vault.
An all-around score of 37.15 is pretty dang good at the very first meet of the season! Way to go Tessa girl!!
Nice job Tessa! She looks great!