Tessa was so excited to go to BizTown for a field trip again. Her job this year was CEO of Target River and she had to give a speech to the "community" about advertising and music. She was also given the Citizen of the Day award by the "Mayor."
Rockwell's having a real hard time breathing in the cold weather at Track practice. I took him to the doctor to try to figure out if it's asthma, and then we got some lunch. He was in no hurry to get back to school, so he was happy to talk and talk while we ate. :)
Damon has been growing his hair out so he can perm it for a while now.
It was finally long enough, and Rome's mom gave both Damon and Rome perms. He looks so stinking cute!!
We finally got some snow this winter. Tessa and Damon have had fun playing in it, and drinking hot chocolate when they get too cold.
The school librarian had the kids read through cookbooks and copy down a recipe they wanted to try. Tessa made her pink drink for the family and it was yummy!
Mel and I went and helped my dad get a room set up for my mom at Summit Assisted Living Facility. Her Alzheimer's has really intensified over the past month, and she became so miserable that she was checked into an intensive medical unit at the hospital. There are so many side effects of the Alzheimer's medications that they were moving at a slower pace with them to avoid the side effects for as long as she could. But the time has come to be much more aggressive with her medicine, and because of that, it's time for her to move into a Memory Care Unit. Matt came to town and toured a lot of facilities, and they decided on Summit. Al helped my dad shop for furniture for her room, and then Mel and I helped get everything moved in and set up.
They were able to get the medications figured out for my mom, and she was released from the hospital last week. Matt and Gary came to town and we all went to pick her up and help her get settled into Summit. We've been dreading the day when she would have to leave her home, and I'm so glad all the kids were there to support each other and help Mom and Dad with this transition.
This is very hard for everyone, but on the bright side, Summit seems like a great facility and we're so glad that we are able to go there and visit with her any time we want. She needs around-the-clock care and we're grateful to the staff at Summit that are helping her be safe and providing activities that she can participate in. When I went to visit her later in the week, she chose to stay for all the activities and seemed to enjoy them. That was good for me to see.
Gary, Matt, Dad and I went back up the next day. It was a harder day for her, and we were glad that we could be there with her. Gary and Matt gave both my parents priesthood blessings and Gary dedicated her room. It's such a hard situation, and we're all trying to do anything we can to help Mom feel loved and safe and cared for.
Karna's mom also had Alzheimer's and she's been so sweet and understanding of the things I'm feeling and struggling with. She brought me yellow flowers to bring a little sunshine into my life and let me know that she cares. It was very sweet. This is all so hard and heartbreaking.
Tessa would be a great CEO. I love Damon's perm! I'm glad we were all together for that very hard day.