Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Around Our House Lately

There will probably be a lot of these "Around Our House Lately" posts. I love the creativity I see in my kids and want to remember all of these "small" day to day things that we do.
Aren't they cute?
 We're always so excited when Dad comes home from work. Tessa has been telling Paul every time she sees him that she missed him while he was at work. 
 Rockwell has been enjoying puzzles, especially Spiderman ones.
 The kids made this race game on the stairs with cars and balls. I'm still not even sure how the races worked, but they sure had fun with this for a couple days. 
Damon has been having a seriously sore bum lately, so I was trying to let him air out for a while after his bath. He started to fuss a bit, so I gave him his pacifier and ran downstairs to get the lotion I had forgotten. When I came back up (literally 15 seconds later) he was sound asleep. He slept like that for almost 45 minutes.
 The air conditioner came on, so I covered him up. It was just too cute!
Speaking of falling asleep...Tessa is in such a tough stage right now where if she takes a nap she's up all night. But she can't quite make it all day without a nap. If she sits still for too long in the late afternoon, she just can't keep her eyes open.
The kids have gotten into making necklaces again. Rockwell made one for Anneke (our babysitter) and thought it was pretty cool that Paul saw her at school and she was wearing the necklace he had made for her. 
There have of course been lots of smiles from this boy! 
It might be weird, but I love this picture. Waiting for the water to get warm enough for his bottle is the one and only time he cries in a day. But he really does cry. He loves his food!
 Paul came home with a nice surprise for me the other day. He found passion fruit at Harmon's. It's quite a bit more tart here in the states than fresh off the tree in Fiji, but it sure was fun to eat it again. That was my favorite fruit in Fiji.
 And of course, we've been doing lots of reading. :)


  1. I love posts like this. The one of Tessa hugging Paul is so sweet!

  2. What a great post! I loved being able to see the fun things that go on at your house and seeing those adorable pictures- especially Damon in his birthday suit on the towel. Adorable!
