Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Every Day Stuff

Tessa, Damon and I had fun taking pictures while we were waiting for Rockwell to get home from school. 

 We went to Sprouts and then were planning on going to Macey's too. But Damon pooped while we were in Sprouts. When I got him out of his car seat to change his diaper, there was poop all the way down to both feet. Apparently I forgot to put some extra clothes in the diaper bag last time I used them, so Damon had to ride home without any clothes. He was not happy about that! Luckily nothing was urgent at Macey's so I was more than happy to skip that store and head straight home.

 Such handsome boys!

 Rockwell is so excited for the holiday season. He sat in his tent and made "presents" for all of us out of his blocks. You can see the Christmas lights on top of his tent, made out of fuzzy balls. And he listened to my Christmas Pandora station the whole time he was decorating and making presents. 

 Damon fed himself almost the whole time I was getting the kids ready for bed. He brought his knees up to his chest and propped the bottle up on one leg. It was quite helpful while getting all 3 kids ready for bed.

I love how much Rockwell and Tessa love Damon!

Damon started rolling from his back to his stomach on Saturday. We are all very proud of him.
 Now we need him to learn to roll the other way. He doesn't love being on his stomach, but he rolls over every time he's on his back.

Rockwell was so funny riding his bike the other day. He rode the 2-wheeler for a while and then decided to do tricks on the motorcycle.

We love when Gramps is working in Orem! He and Rockwell both love chocolate milk, so he stops by with a special treat.

Today was National Ice Cream Day, so we went to Sonic for half price cones. I can't stand how messy and sticky they get eating ice cream cones, so we rarely get them. Rockwell and Tessa were sure excited!

I just love these kids of mine!

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