Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Every Day Life

We've done quite a bit of painting lately.
Damon still loves his toes. :)
These two can be the best of friends. I sure love it when they are!
Rockwell had Pajama Day at school and Crazy Hat/Socks Day. His class won the Red Ribbon Wristband contest and earned a pizza party. He is super excited for that and keeps telling me that he won't even need to eat lunch when he gets home from school!
I continue to be amazed at how well Rockwell is learning new things at school. He is working hard and really making so much progress.
Paul asked me how my day was going the other day and I snuck this picture of what it was looking like right then.  Rockwell was oh so sad this evening for some reason and was crying because there were strings coming off his socks, which really isn't like him.
He spent the rest of the night laying on the couch by himself listening to my Christmas Pandora Station on my phone. He just watched the album art for each song, and said that was what he thought would make him happy again. 
We had to take a picture of Damon's moose pajamas for Grandpa Ham. Now Grandpa wants a pair of his own. :)
Rockwell had a great idea to make cookies with chocolate chips and M&Ms in them. That was a delicious idea!
Damon is loving his activity jumper. He jumps and jumps, and smiles and smiles.
Coloring with Dad. :)
The kids and I met Al, Audrey, and Katie at a park this week. Besides the homeless man being arrested for removing his clothes at a children's park (luckily we weren't there for that part), it was really fun to spend the last warm fall day at the park.
Tessa has had a hard time with the Daylight Savings change. I found her like this way later than I ever let her nap, but just let her sleep until she woke up hoping any sleep would help her not be so grouchy. This morning on the way to school she was yelling at me because she wanted the sky to go away. She was not happy with my inability to make the sky go away. :)


  1. I love these posts. You are so good at capturing your every day life! I'm glad the Christmas music could cheer up Rockwell. Why couldn't you make the sky go away?😉

  2. I love the pictures and am so impressed that Rockwell could figure out what he needed to make him happy again!
