Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Everyday Adventures

It snowed a few days this week. 
The kids were so excited about it. Rockwell was at school the first day so Tessa and I played in it. I wanted it to keep snowing until Rockwell got home from school. He would have been so sad to miss it. Luckily he did get to play in it at recess and was very excited to tell me about it when he got home.
They always love to have hot chocolate after playing in the snow.


Paul's school does a Freedom Hall every Veteran's Day and we love to go look at it. I always feel such respect and gratitude as we read the stories of the students' relatives who have served our country.

Rockwell had his Primary Program on Sunday. They kids wrote their own parts in their class this year. His class answered the question, 'How can you follow the prophet?' Rockwell decided to say, "I can follow the prophet by listening to my sister." (I asked him what he meant by listening to his sister and he said, "Do the right things, like share with her and play with her.") He said his part without any hesitation. I was so proud of him getting up there and doing that because I know talking in front of a lot of people isn't easy for him. 

We got to play with McKay and Richmond again this week. Tessa and McKay were so cute! They played with this train for quite a while. They're waving at the trains every time they pass in this picture.
And Tessa taught McKay the art of dipping pretzels in pretend ketchup. :)

Damon is getting on his hands and knees and rocking all the time now. He's going to be crawling any day now. He took 2 forward scoots on his knees today. I seriously can't believe he's already doing this. He's growing up way too fast!

Dad got to come to gymnastics last week. He's been wanting to come and watch, and it actually worked out this time. Tessa's faces are cracking me up lately!

Wyatt and Hallee played at our house while Paul went with Al and Keith to their house inspection. These kids sure have fun together! Rockwell and Tessa were so excited to have them come over and eat dinner with us. The boys were so cute watching the BYU basketball game.

Tessa has been playing with Damon a lot more lately. She was so excited to tell me that he was holding her hand.

We made some cute turkeys today. Tess refused to have her picture taken with hers. I tried and she pretended to shoot my phone and said, "I shot your phone. It's broken now!"

She seriously makes me laugh all day. She came up and gave me a hug tonight. I asked if she pooped and she said yes, turned around into a sassy pose and said, "See?"
When Rockwell heard me laugh pretty good at that one, he had to do the sassy pose too, which of course turned into a pose/spank-a-thon.

These two have a new trick.

Love my boys!
And my Tessa Girl!


  1. I love all of the pictures! Tessa's expressions crack me up. I can't believe Damon is ready to crawl!

  2. Sooo cute! How do you catch those great expressions? I love all the poses and these cute kids!
