Sunday, April 18, 2021

Day 5

 We were planning on hiking Maunawili Falls with Melanie, but when she told us that it's way more muddy than Likelike Falls was, we decided it would be best if Mel and I did this one on our own. We met up early Friday morning. She asked if I was up for a little more strenuous of a hike to a couple additional waterfalls and a rock waterslide since the kids weren't with us. That was an easy yes for me!!

This hike was gorgeous too!
She was definitely not wrong about the mud!!
Maunawili Falls were beautiful! Everywhere you looked was just gorgeous!
Mel brought her waterproof bag so we could put our clothes, phones, and keys in there while we swam where we needed to go. We swam through this pool and climbed up the left side of the waterfall. Then we hiked a bit more until we came to this waterfall.
We swam through this one too and kept climbing to the next one. The third wasn't flowing much at all so we didn't even stop to get our cameras out for that one. The next thing we came to was this cascading fountain and the waterslides.
We stayed here for a while and slid down the rocks a few times.
When we got back to Maunawili Falls, I jumped in at the waterfall.
This hike was such a blast!! I have wanted to do something like this since I was young. I just love love loved it! Mel knew of a shortcut on the way back and so we parked one of our cars right by that outlet. We avoided the mud on the shortcut, and so we were pretty clean when we got to Mel's car.

Paul had taken the kids to the pool while I was hiking and they were still there since it wasn't very crowded. I hung out there with the kids while Paul went over to Hukilau Market for lunch. That afternoon we drove up to the North Shore and played at Ke Iki Beach. The waves here were absolutely enormous! Professional surfing competitions are held on the North Shore, and we could immediately see why. The rip curl waves were just giant. It was fun to watch some people surf them, but we didn't let the kids go very far into the water because it wouldn't have been safe to play in. It was more of a play in the sand kind of beach. Tessa built herself a nice chair. :)
We were excited that there were shells though and collected some cool ones. We also saw two whale spouts out in the water, which was really cool.
We stopped at a fruit stand on the way home and got some delicious fruits and vegetables.


  1. That hike looks amazing. I'm so glad you and Mel got to do that together. How fun!

  2. Such gorgeous scenery and I'm glad you were able to do the hike with Melanie and could do a lot more than if you had the kids with you. I love the picture of the fruit stands and remember the wonderful fruits they have there!
