Sunday, April 18, 2021

Day 7/ Sea Life Park

On Sunday we went to Sea Life Park.

The first part that you walk through is the shark tank. :)

Next we saw the sea turtles.

Then we found the penguins. Rockwell was so excited to see his favorite animal! We went to the penguin show and Rockwell thought it was great that he learned a couple new things about them.

We went to the Sea Lion Nursery for a little show. They were really cute too.
We walked past a pool with some dolphins in it and they put on quite a show for us. It was awesome to be so close to them!
There were some seriously beautiful views from this park! I loved seeing the Makapu'u Lighthouse on the cliff.
We watched the dolphin show, which was really cool.
And then it was time for the sea lion show.
We went to the touch pools after that. The kids got to pet a turtle, and Rockwell was patient enough when he held out some seaweed that one fish came and ate it and Rock was able to touch the fish.
I think everyone's favorite part of the day was the bird exhibit. We all loved the lovebirds and got so excited when they would land on us and eat from our sticks. We went in earlier in the day, and didn't have much success with feeding them. But we tried again at the end of the day and had much more success. It was pretty funny to look over at Paul and see birds all over him. :)
This bird was so funny! Rockwell was holding it and it ate the whole stick upside down like this. :)
This bird landed on Paul and checked out his phone for a while. Haha!

We stopped for some food on the way home. We had heard great things about Giovanni's Shrimp Truck. They only accepted cash and we didn't have enough for two meals, so I got some street tacos instead. Sadly the shrimp didn't really live up to the hype.
There was a truck that sold acai bowls so I got myself one of those too. It was SO good!

I took the kids swimming that night. Damon got cold pretty quickly and went up to the room with Paul, but Rockwell and Tessa had a great time together.


  1. Sea Life Park looks amazing. You guys got some great pictures. How fun to see those animals with all the beautiful views around you.

  2. Looks like another amazing day and I couldn't believe the birds landing on you all. I'm so glad that Rockwell was able to see penguins and even learn new things about them. That's great!
