Sunday, May 2, 2021

School Week 32

It was sure hard to adjust back to Utah time and our schedules after Hawaii! Tessa and Damon went to school on Thursday, but Rockwell had a really hard time falling asleep Wednesday night after sleeping all day, and so he stayed home from school. None of us slept well on the red eye flight, and so we all went right to bed Wednesday morning and slept for a few hours. We all felt like zombies for quite a few days!

Tessa brought home her mug from art club on Thursday.

Morgan went to Oahu for Spring Break too, and brought home bracelets for her and Tessa with their names on them. That was so sweet of her!

It was cold, super windy, and hailing the first few days after we got back home. That made it an extra hard adjustment. It warmed up a bit and the sun was finally shining on Sunday. Tessa and Damon laid on the deck and soaked up the sun. :)

They also played with the Bubble Hands that the Easter Bunny brought them.

During quiet time on Sunday, Rockwell made a penguin face out of the melty beads. He did such a good job making it look just like his stuffed penguin. I love when the kids use that time to be creative and productive! The next week he made another one to give to Wyatt since he loves penguins too. :)


  1. Tessa's mug looks great as does Rockwell's penguin face! You have very talented children! How sweet of Rockwell to make a penguin for Wyatt also. Coming back from a great vacation is always hard!

  2. Cool mug Tessa made! I love how creative my grandkids are - they're always inventing some kind of fun.

  3. I love that they tried to recreate Hawaii, I wish it was warmer! I love the penguin Rock made!
