Sunday, May 23, 2021

School Week 37

 We went to Grandma & Grandpa Ham's house for a party for Damon. He loved the gifts he got that night.

Rockwell had another track meet. He was so excited Wyatt was at this one. He did the 100m,  javelin, and running long jump again, and this time he tried the high jump. I was so proud of him for trying that. He felt too nervous to try at the the Heber meet since they haven't been taught how to do it at practice yet. I thought it was awesome that he gave it a try.

Friday was Field Day at Northridge. Damon got to go to school at the same time as Rockwell and Tessa, and he thought that was awesome!
Jill sent me this picture of Tessa and Evie. They have loved being in the same class again this year.
I went over to the school at the end of Field Day and picked up Damon. We watched Rockwell in the relay races. Each of the 4th-6th grade classes had a race to determine the 4 kids who would be on the relay team. Rockwell made it onto the boys team, and their team won the 5th grade race. He was excited about that!

Tessa went home with Morgan for her birthday party that afternoon, and Damon, Rockwell and I went to play at Al's house. Al, Caitlyn and I went to Writ & Vision, a rare books and fine arts store in Provo. There was a Heavenly Mother exhibit there that we all wanted to see. Some of the art pieces didn't resonate with me, but I really loved these two.
I also loved the explanation the creators of the exhibit had posted.
Our Heavenly Mother has been coming up in a lot of conversations recently, in very appropriate and meaningful ways. I have loved seeing other people's desire to know Her, and have really appreciated the frequent reminders of Her presence and love for Her children.


  1. I love the picture of your children before school when Damon got to go at the same time as Tessa and Rockwell! That is so cute! That's great that Rockwell was willing to try the high jump at the track meet! That's so great that Wyatt and Rockwell are on the same track team. That's great that Rockwell got to be on the relay team for the field day and that they won the 5th grade race. The pictures from the Heavenly Mother exhibit were really good and I loved the explanation too!

  2. I love watching Rockwell at the track meets.
