Sunday, May 23, 2021

School Week 36

Paul and the kids made Mother's Day great for me again this year. I woke up to sweet notes and presents.

I opened the presents after church. I loved all the new hummingbird things! I got a cute cup, a new feeder, some homes and perches for the birds, chimes, a ring feeder so they can eat from my hand (hopefully), and a paint-by-number of a hummingbird. My family knows me well. :) I sure love being the mother of this family!
I rested and read in the hammock that afternoon, and Paul made us a delicious dinner. It was a perfect Mother's Day.

Rockwell has been doing track in Provo with Wyatt, and had a meet in Heber this week. Wyatt wasn't able to be there, but Rockwell was sure grateful Jonah was there. Track meets can be a little chaotic, but we figured out what he was supposed to do, and he ended up enjoying the night.
He chose to run the 100m, throw the javelin, and do the running long jump. He did a great job at them all.
The meets can be very long. Tessa and Damon were so good about staying where I told them to and making their own fun.

Friday night we went to see if the poppies had bloomed in Alpine. They had not, but we all really enjoyed the hike and seeing all the beauty.
It is really beautiful there, and we're excited to go back in a couple weeks when the poppies bloom.

Saturday was Tessa's dance recital. She took a Ballet/Jazz/Tap combo class this year, and got to perform two numbers. 
She did awesome! Her favorite move was the high kick. :) I really enjoyed seeing what she has learned in tap.
Tessa's favorite part about dance has always been doing it with Hallee. Tess has decided not to dance next year, and just focus on gymnastics. It's been fun to watch her dance all these years, and I'm excited to watch her grow in gymnastics now.

That night we went to Katie's house for a night to remember Kayla. May 15th is the day they lost Kayla, and then we almost lost Katie too. Instead of being full of anxiety and sorrow all day, Katie decided she wanted to spend the day remembering and celebrating Kayla. We all painted rocks for Kayla's memorial gardens that they made for her in their backyard. I loved this idea! I remember when Jen died and our friends gave us a tree to plant in our yard for her, it did help to have somewhere close by to go when I was missing her a little more than usual. It was nice to have a place to go just to think about Jen and feel whatever emotions I was feeling that day. I hope Kayla's memorial gardens will bring some peace to Katie and Ben on the extra hard days.
After the kids painted their rocks, they got in the pool and had a fun night with their friends.
The Nielsons were there too, but Audrey had left before we took this picture. Darn.
We had donuts to celebrate Kayla and Damon's birthday. It was a really great night and I'm glad we could spend it together.


  1. Another great blog with so much in it! I'm so glad your Mother's Day was so great and that your family made it so special! You are blessed to be the mother of your wonderful children!

  2. I'm so glad you had a great mother's day, you deserve it! I'm sad that Hallee and Tessa won't have dance together anymore, but I'm so glad they were able to do it for so many years and that Tessa loves gymnastics so much.
