Sunday, May 23, 2021

School Week 35

 Tessa, Damon and I went over to Paul's library with him on Sunday. The kids wanted to return their books and check out some new ones. Paul had some things to set up for the AP tests beginning that week. Those AP tests were a ton of work for a couple weeks! There's always so much that goes on behind the scenes for everything that happens at schools. That plus real estate kept Paul crazy busy for a while.

I went to Damon's Zoo Fair in his class. They wrote a page about the animal they chose, made a habitat, and decorated a vest that looked like their animal. Damon always does such good work for school! I'm proud of him.

Rockwell's soccer season has ended. He had 3 tournament games. His team played great, but didn't move on to the finals. Rockwell is ready for a break from soccer and decided not to try out for next year. His heart isn't in it anymore, so he was happy to be finished. We enjoyed watching him play all these years.

I found this archery set at Walmart and thought it looked really fun. We've all had fun shooting the bow and arrow, and throwing the hatchets.

On Saturday, Paul took Rockwell to his soccer game and Tessa was at a friend's birthday party, so Damon and I got in the hot tub and had a fun afternoon together. 


  1. Your children check books out at the high school library? I'm sorry Paul has been so crazy busy and am glad he won't have to take care of the AP tests next year! Damon's project looked so good! He's a bright boy! The archery set you bought looks like lots of fun for all of you! Fun picture with you and Damon in the hot tub!

  2. I'm so glad you showed us that target set, my kids love it.
