Sunday, May 2, 2021

School Week 33

 Damon has learned how to do front flips on the trampoline. He's very proud of his new skill.

I flew out to Portland Friday morning for Caleb & Johanna's wedding and Lindy's mission farewell. Paul took the day off work and took care of the kids and everything at home for the weekend. I sure appreciate him! He did all the drop off's and pick up's for school, and took the kids over to Roxanne's house to start her lawn care for the season. 
He aerated all the lawns in our cul-de-sac plus Barb's down the street. Additionally, he took the kids to Rockwell's soccer game in Eagle Mountain, showed a home after the game (with all 3 kids), and made offers on three homes. He did family night on Sunday, and introduced the kids to The Sandlot, which they have been quoting all week. :) Thanks for being an amazing and involved father, husband, and provider Paul!

Matt picked my dad, Dante, Alexys and me up from the airport and took us over to Gary & Julie's house. Everyone was there helping with preparations for the dinner at Julie's brother's house and the wedding reception that evening. Johanna came to the house that evening and I was able to meet her and talk with them for a few minutes before most of the guests arrived for the reception. Al was sweet and took a picture of us meeting. :)
Johanna is super sweet and seems like a perfect match for Caleb. They are so in love with each other, it really is just adorable. The reception was great, and it was fun to spend the evening visiting with family and eating yummy ice cream.
I sure love this family!
I shared a hotel room with Matt, Lori, Cody, and Elena. We had a 2-room suite, so it was plenty of room for us all. Elena and I shared a room and it was fun to talk with her while we were falling asleep. Matt and Cody left early Saturday morning to look at a truck that was for sale. They stopped at VooDoo Doughnuts on the way back. It was fun to try lots of them. :)
I loved having this time with Matt and his family. It was fun to drive around with everyone singing along to country music, and hang out at the hotel during the short times when we weren't at an event with the whole group, and go on drink runs throughout the day (and night. Ha!).
Julie's parents hosted lunch at their house Saturday and Sunday, which was so nice of them!
Caleb and Johanna's sealing was Saturday evening. 
I love the Portland Temple. The grounds are beautifully-kept of course, but the surrounding area is beautiful as well. I remember going there for Gary & Julie's wedding, and waiting in the atrium inside the waiting room. It was great to go inside and witness an ordinance.
It was pouring rain most the day on Saturday, but it cleared up about one minute before Caleb and Johanna came out as a married couple. That was sure great for pictures! Matt and I were taking pictures of the temple while we were waiting. We thought this one would turn out cooler than it did. Ha!
After the pictures were all finished, Caleb and Johanna headed out to Otter Crest for their honeymoon. I'm so happy for Caleb and am excited to get to know Johanna better.
We grabbed some dinner on the way home, and then headed over to Gary and Julie's to hang out with the family for a bit.
Sunday morning was Lindy's mission farewell. It was fun to see Gary as bishop of the ward. Lindy gave an awesome talk on kindness. It gave me a few things to think about and work on. :) She'll be serving in the Washington D.C. South mission, Spanish speaking. She's going to be a great missionary.
It's been fun having Lindy in Provo this past year, and I'm going to miss seeing her so often.
I'm so glad that I was able to be there for Lindy's farewell and Caleb's wedding. I sure love my nieces and nephews. And I love finding all the selfies of Matt and his kids on my phone. :)


  1. Damon's flip is very impressive and you got a great shot of it! I'm so impressed with all that Paul did while you were gone! He's amazing! I was so glad that you were able to come to Portland! Great pictures of you and Lindy and you and Caleb and the temple! Matt's selfies on your phone are great too.

  2. Love the lawncare crew and seeing pics of your family.

  3. I need to get that picture of us at the temple. It was so fun to spend time together in Oregon.
