Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Eve

 We always love to spend Christmas Eve at Grandma & Grandpa Ham's house! We had our traditional yummy dinner (cue the song Cheesebread and Meatballs :), and then played Christmas Bingo.

I got a special bingo prize this year. My dad surprised me with this beautiful hummingbird. When he and my mom were staying with Julie's parents last month, he noticed that they had these beaded hummingbirds all over their Christmas tree. He asked Ramona if she makes them and if she would be willing to make one for me. She said that they had bought them all in Guatemala while they were there, but took one off their tree and said to give it to me. That was so nice of her, and so nice of my dad for thinking of me! Thanks Dad!! I love it!
The kids were excited to play the new games they got as bingo prizes.
We watched The Nativity video and then did the Grab Box. 
The kids were so excited with their new books!
And the adults were excited with their gift cards!
We had dessert and visited some more before heading home. It was another great Christmas Eve!


  1. I love that picture of Damon with Elijah and we're so glad that you all enjoyed Christmas Eve at our house! We love having the family over and loved going to your house on Christmas day and seeing all that the children got! It looked like a happy Christmas there!

  2. It looks like your family always has so much fun together!

  3. It was a fun night! I love that picture of Elijah and Damon.
