Monday, April 8, 2024

Spring Break

 Spring Break was a lot of fun this year. We took dinner over to the Loosli's one night. Cait was home for the weekend, and it was so fun to get to visit with her. We played games after dinner and had a really fun night.

The kids and their friends spent a lot of time in the hot tub. Tessa and Damon had fun playing with the new toys from their Easter baskets.
Hallee and Tessa made cookies all by themselves and they were delicious!!
Al & Keith invited us to go do baptisms with them at the Orem Temple, and that was really great.
We used a few deals from our Get Out Passes over the week. We went to Provo Beach Resort and Tessa, Rockwell and I did the Ropes Course and Damon did the Mega Playground.
There was a crazy good deal at Top Golf, plus we had a gift card, so we went there one morning.
We all loved this!! We played for 2 hours and the kids were begging to stay longer. It was seriously so much fun.
I found some fun selfies on my phone after Rockwell took pics of me golfing. :)
The food is so good there!
The weather was perfect and it was such a fun morning!
The boys went to the park with the Rosequist boys that afternoon and then we went back over to the park to play games for Young Men/Womens that evening. Everyone was just so happy to be outside in the sunshine!
Thursday was the anniversary of Jen's passing and Grandma Betty's passing. It was a hard day, and so we just took it easy around home and at the park again so that I could cry any time I needed to. 
Friday we went to the Springville Rec Center and swam. The pool's not very big or very exciting, but the kids sure love the waterslides. We stayed for over 4 hours. That's a lot of stairs!!! Haha. They were exhausted and starving when we left.
Rockwell was proud of how big his splash was. Everyone in the hot tub lets the people know if they splashed them when they get down the slide. Rockwell splashed them easy this year. :)
He and a couple other teenage boys hung out for a while trying to touch the hot tub wall when they exited the slide. They got tips from the lifeguard on how to do it. It was so funny to watch them sit just so and glide on top of the water for what feels like forever. They each got it a couple times and were so proud. :)
We watched General Conference over the weekend, and the kids loved playing outside between sessions. These two came up with all sorts of things to play. I love when they play so well together.

Everyday Adventures & Easter

Damon had his Biography Day at school. He chose Steph Curry because he loves basketball and he loves Steph's show Holey Moley.    

Right before school he said, "I should have gotten a beard like Steph has." I had gotten one for Rockwell's biography day and it was still downstairs so I went and grabbed it. He had it on for about 3 seconds and that was enough for him. Haha! :)
Paul and I went over to the school to hear all about what he learned about Steph Curry. He did a great job teaching us about Steph's life and achievements.

My sisters and I went over to visit with my parents one morning. It's always fun to get to sit and visit with them. Then Al and I went over to Mel's to see the babies and Ofa and Ataiya. Zariyah is walking all over the place and it's just so cute to watch! Clara is such a smiley, happy baby. It was so fun to see them and get to visit with their moms. :)

Tessa had a choir concert. They combined with the orchestra again, and they all sounded great!
Tessa knew that Paul would enjoy the songs from Rocky. :) She really enjoyed choir this year and says she wants to do it again next year.

We went to Grandma & Grandpa Ham's for Easter dinner on Saturday. The kids loved the egg hunt Grandma made for them.
Tessa was living her best life when she got to hold Clara and then Zariyah came and played with her hair at the same time. :)
It's so fun to have cute babies around again!
The kids enjoyed finding the Easter eggs Sunday morning.
This was the trickiest egg the Easter Bunny hid this year. :)
The kids were excited with their baskets too.
We watched The Testaments before going to church. I made a super simple, kid-friendly dinner that nobody would complain about. That was my little Easter gift to myself. :) We had a really nice day together, and we missed Paul being there with us for sure.