Monday, April 8, 2024

St George Meet

 We headed down to St George for Tessa's gymnastics meet. It was so fun to have a weekend away! We got there pretty late Friday night and just went to bed for the night. We stayed at the Sports Village again. Saturday morning was sunny and warm and wonderful! We played at the park, played ladder ball, and then played tennis for a long time. It was so fun to just be together in the sunshine!

Paul went and picked up some lunch while I got Tessa's hair ready for her meet. Seating was terrible at this meet so we headed over early to try to find somewhere to sit. Arete started out on vault this time. Tessa did her best vault of the season so far! She looked so good, and scored a 9.6!!
Bars was next. You couldn't see vault, floor, or bars from the seats (it was rough!) and so we went over as close as we could to each event. You could only stand right in front of the bars, so it was a different viewpoint for sure. I thought she looked really good, but her score was 9.1 so there must have been something I couldn't see from there. Tessa was just happy for no falls though!!
She did well on beam, and scored a 9.35.
And she did great on floor with a score of 9.55.
She placed 2nd on vault
2nd on bars
1st on beam
1st on floor
And 1st all around!! I caught the cutest moment when Lena reached up for a high five when Tessa got on the podium. :) Lena is such a sweet friend!
Tessa's all-around score was 37.6! So good!!
We grabbed some dinner at Cafe Rio and then headed to The Grip Ninja. The kids loved that.

Paul took the kids swimming after that, and then they wanted to go again in the morning before we checked out. The sand volleyball court was right next to the pool, so Tessa and Damon swam while Rockwell and I played volleyball in the morning. Rock loved that he could spike it easily over that net. Haha!
We loved getting away to some sunshine and family time for the weekend!!

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