Monday, January 11, 2016


It's so hard to put Tessa into words. She is so funny, in a one-liner kind of way. She was playing outside today and her hands got so cold she was crying. In her tears she said that her hands were freezing so she wanted to eat chocolate. Naturally. She also wanted Katie to go play with her in the basement today. She told her she wanted to play with her, but not with "that or that," pointing to Al and Kenzie. 
She was incessantly asking Paul and me to look at her while we were driving. As soon as one of us would turn around she would say, "Look at my teeth," and do this.
She is creative and mature in a way that is so entertaining to be around. While we were doing a science experiment, Paul asked the kids what they thought was going to happen. Rockwell said he thought something was going to overflow and Tessa yelled, "Ya! It will go Kabookie!!"
She is absolutely fearless. And very capable physically. 
She is very free-spirited, doing whatever she feels like just because she wants to.

It is so hard to say no to her because this is how she asks for things, in the sweetest little voice, saying "Please Mama." I melt for those puppy dog eyes!
She usually only likes one of her parents at a time, but she always loves her brothers. She is very good with Damon and can make him smile by just looking at him. And she adores Rockwell and copies everything he does. 
She is such a beautiful girl.

I just adore my Tessa girl!


  1. That is a great description of Tessa. She is so much fun to be around!

  2. She is so full of personality and life and so entertaining! What a blessing she is! I sure love her and her cute personality!
