Saturday, May 21, 2016

Grandpa Ham Comes to Visit

Grandpa Ham came down and spent the evening with us a couple weeks ago. We were all so excited to have him come! The kids were playing in the backyard when he got there, so I got a few minutes to talk with him. The second the kids came inside and saw Grandpa, they both talked his ear off from that point on. :) Rockwell wanted to show him his new scooter, so he went outside with them while I finished making dinner. Tessa asked him to push her on the swing after dinner, so we headed back outside. The kids loved showing him all their tricks. Paul and I enjoyed getting time to visit with him.
Grandpa brought a couple books to read to the kids, including his favorite from when he was a kid, Five Pennies. Rockwell showed him how well he's reading now and read one of them to him. The kids absolutely loved spending time with Grandpa. 
We know how busy Grandma and Grandpa Ham's lives are right now, so it meant a lot that Grandpa came down and spent all that time with us. We love you Grandpa!