Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Life Lately

Rockwell made a zoo animal puppet show at school and put on a great show for us for family night. This one even had tickets to get into the show. 
He was so excited to show Wyatt, Hallee, Grandma Ham, Al, and Mel. The kids all took turns putting on a show. It was super cute.

Damon is seriously the best eater, and he is serious about eating! :)

Mrs. Farr did a Mother's Day Party at school. All the moms got to go do some rotations with their kid, have a Swig cookie, and hear the kids sing a few songs. It was really fun to have one-on-one time with Rockwell, and to see him be so excited for that time together too.

We love Mrs Farr! She has been a really good match for Rockwell's personality. She pushes him further than he wants to push himself, she makes all the kids feel very loved and important, and she is very patient and kind. I'm sure glad that his first experience with school has been such a positive one.

Damon is loving that I let him sit in the grocery carts now (with a cover, of course!).

Damon took his first 3 steps on May 4th! He has been so determined to learn to walk since then. He tries over and over all day. He's getting pretty steady now and can take around 10 steps.

He's just the cutest thing!

Al and Mel went to the Lehi Fun Center last week. Hallee came and played at our house and Al took Rockwell with her boys. Rockwell had so much fun! He talked about laser tag for hours that night. I can just imagine how awesome he thought it was, running around with guns in a maze shooting targets on people's vests.

We celebrated Damon's birthday and Mother's Day for Grandma Ham a couple weeks ago. It was pretty funny how completely uninterested Damon was in his presents. He seriously didn't care at all. Once his siblings and cousins had opened them all for him, he did get interested in one toy that played music. He would push it and then dance to the music. Everyone laughed, and then he would give us a huge smile, and then do it over again. 
He did like his pumpkin muffin though.


  1. I'm glad Rockwell has such a great teacher! I want to see Damon walking!

  2. Every picture of your kids is adorable!
