Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was fabulous! Paul made it Mother's Weekend. I slept in as late as I wanted Saturday and Sunday. He cleaned the house and took care of meals both days. (I was so grateful to our bishop who canceled most of their meetings on Sunday.) Paul really made me feel valued, appreciated, and loved all weekend through how much effort he put into making the weekend special for me.  
Grandma Clark gave the kids some flowers to make for me and an About My Mom book where they answered questions about me and drew pictures. I love those books! It's so fun to see what they answer about me and what their little minds think. Rockwell also gave me one of his treasure boxes with a beanie boo in it. He loves both of those things, so it was so sweet of him to give them to me. He hasn't even asked for them back yet. :)
I love being a mother! Absolutely love it. I feel so blessed to have the three amazing children I do. I hit the jackpot with these three. Each one of them is healthy, strong, smart, funny, sweet, capable, and special. I'm proud to be a mother. I'm proud to have sacrificed a ton to grow these three babies inside my body and give them life. That is no easy task! I'm proud to devote most my time to raising them, caring for their every need as babies, teaching them skills and knowledge to help them be successful  and happy in life. Being a mother is so challenging, but I very much believe that the difficult and challenging things in life are usually the things that are most worth it. I know these three are worth all the worry and sacrifice that comes with being their mother. They bring me happiness every day.


  1. Wow! You were treated so well which is just what you deserve. Your words on motherhood were beautiful! Good job Tiff and I'm so glad your weekend was so wonderful!

  2. Great post Tiff. You are a great mom and I'm glad you got pampered!
