Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Papa's Funeral

Papa passed away on June 9th, 2016. He was such a beloved man and will be missed greatly. We know he is so happy to be with his wife again though.

We drove to Hughson for his funeral. We went to Cliff and Ginger's the night we got there to spend a little time with their family. The kids were so very excited to get out of the car and play with their cousins.

His funeral was full of beautiful tributes to Papa. The family had so many special and funny memories with him. He always made each person feel important and loved. Paul gave the plan of salvation talk, and related it to farming. It was fabulous.

Funerals like this one are very bittersweet. You know you will always miss someone like Papa, but at the same time you know he lived a full life and is out of pain now. It's good to spend time with family and to feel the truth of the plan of salvation and the reality of eternal families a little stronger than normal. Very bittersweet indeed.

Chris and Sarah had the family over for a bbq and swimming after the funeral. We stayed for a couple hours and then headed to San Diego for our family vacation. I'm so glad we were able to go to the funeral, and so glad we are able to be part of Papa's family.

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