Thursday, June 2, 2016

Everyday Adventures

Al and I switched kids a couple weeks ago. Hallee came to our house and Rockwell went to Wyatt's to play for the afternoon. The girls had fun dressing up, pretending, and jumping on the tramp without any boys around. :)

We went to Katie's with Al and Audrey. Katie was so sweet and got donuts to celebrate Damon's birthday. I love how much my kids love my besties' kids.
The babies. :)

Damon is learning to tolerate the grass. He wasn't so thrilled with it at first.

Rockwell figured out how to do a flip on the swing. He was very proud of this new trick!

Sometimes when we're outside for a while I make my kids take pictures. They love it! ;)
Aren't they the cutest things though!

We went to Texas Roadhouse and brought peanuts home in our to-go boxes. Rockwell loves cracking and eating them. I don't like the mess they make, so they're an outside snack.

We had a fire for family night. Rockwell set up his peanut station (yes that's what he called it!) while Dad and Tessa made the fire.
I sure love this family of mine!
Damon loves to play this game where he screams at me and I scream back at him. It's fun for everyone. :)


  1. I love the picture of the girls on the trampoline and I love that our kids love each other so much!
