Friday, July 14, 2017

Beating the Heat

We all had so much fun swimming in Matt and Lori's pool.
Al was so sweet to keep an eye on Rockwell everyday so I could stay inside with Tessa and Damon. We would at least go outside to visit and soak our feet every day.
The last day Matt and Al convinced me to let Damon just get in in his clothes for a few minutes. I didn't want anyone to have to take him swimming when I couldn't be out there, since he's a full time job and takes so much attention. He thought it was the coolest thing ever to swim around with Al in his clothes.
It was anywhere from 110-120 degrees while we were there. The pool felt so good. And we all made sure to drink plenty of water...and Dr. Pepper. :)


  1. I love that last picture of you and Damon. I still can't get over how cute Damon's face is in the picture of us. He is so much fun, I just love your kids!

  2. I love the picture of Damon jumping in to Paul- total trust! That picture of Elijah with the boys is just priceless too! Looks like so much fun!
