Monday, January 4, 2021

Christmas Break Week 2

 We had fun with the new games and toys we got for Christmas this week.

The kids have loved the game Find & Seek. Rockwell thought some of the things Paul found were hilarious! He was laughing so hard when Paul brought a picture of Barney for the word Creepy.

Wyatt and Hallee came and played on Wednesday afternoon. Rockwell had 3 baby teeth pulled at the dentist that morning, and so he refused to smile in a picture because he doesn't like the gaps he has now. He said he's happy that he will wear a mask when he goes back to school.

Matt, Marissa, and Baby Asher came over for dinner that night. We weren't able to go to Red Lobster for endless shrimp this fall, and so Paul decided to make coconut shrimp and Red Lobster biscuits for dinner. Everything took way longer than expected, and it was one of those nights where everything seemed to go wrong. Luckily the kids had a blast playing with Asher and Matt & Marisa, but sadly Paul and I didn't get a ton of time to visit with them. The only picture I took was of the shrimp. :(

Marmie stopped by to drop off a Christmas gift for us. She had a Covid scare herself and so she didn't come in or anything. We have all loved the game she gave us though. I can't even count how many times we've played it.

We got a little bit of snow one day and so the kids went out and used all that they could collect to make snowballs.

On New Years Eve we spent the day at home playing games. We got Costa Vida for dinner, and Grandma Clark gave us her login info so we could watch another Juanito Bandito play. It was a great day!

On Saturday we drove out to Midway and went to the Ice Castles.
It is so impressive what they can make with the ice!
The slide was everyone's favorite part. 
Damon thought it was pretty cool that the snowballs would stick to his gloves. :)
It was fun to see all the tunnels and different designs they have made.
It was fun to get out and do something new and I'm glad we saw the Ice Castles. It will probably be a one-time thing, but they're really cool to see once. 

After the Ice Castles we went to my parents' house for pizza and games. Caleb was in town on his way back to college, and we all wanted to see EJ one more time before he went back to Colorado. It was a really fun night of visiting and games. It's so nice that the kids are at ages where they play with their cousins, and Paul and I can actually sit down and play games again. 


  1. Thanks so much for having my kids over, they loved it!

  2. Such great pictures of the ice castles! The shrimp looked very good. Are you just so grateful that Paul loves to cook?
