Monday, January 4, 2021

Christmas With the Clarks

 The Clark family decided to postpone the Christmas celebrations to give Rockwell a full 10 days to be quarantined from his exposure to Covid at school. Luckily he never showed any symptoms, and we were able to go to Grandma and Gramps' house on Sunday. It was great to see everybody again, and to visit while we made dinner. Brent found his letterman jacket and I think he felt pretty awesome wearing that and his Rocky shirt. :)

Dinner is always so delicious at Grandma Clark's house!
We exchanged presents after dinner. 
The boys were thrilled with their remote controlled cars that can drive on the walls!
And Tessa was thrilled with her stuffed animal that lights up!
Paul is excited for his portable car starter, and I'm excited to spend some time in Barnes & Noble with my gift card. :) Grandma and Gramps are so generous every year, and do a great job at choosing gifts that are perfect for everyone.
We ended the night with banana splits. Thanks for a great Christmas celebration Kristene and Brent!


  1. Looks fun. I love the picture of Tessa hugging her bear.

  2. It's always a fun day with everyone! I'm imagining you wandering Barnes & Noble. Got to stock up that library.
