Sunday, January 10, 2021

School Week 19

 We got some snow on Sunday, and Tessa made a cute little snowman.

Paul painted and installed a barn door in our bedroom. It's just been an open doorway between our room and our bathroom, and so the light would shine right on the bed when Paul wakes up early or I am out late at night. It's been nice to have it installed, and I love the way it looks.

Katie and Al came over one day this week, and the kids were so excited that Kenzie and Boston were here when they got home from school.

We tried a couple new foods this week. Paul made vareniki, which was one of his favorite dishes in Ukraine.
I made acai bowls, which we loved when we were in Kauai. The whole family thought they were both delicious!

Tessa joined the 100's Club by reading 100 books this school year. She had some requirements for reading poetry books, books about historical people and places, etc. and then was able to choose the rest of the books she read. She got a certificate, a trophy, and a soda. We're very proud of her accomplishing this goal, and so happy that she loves to read!

We tried to hike to Battle Creek Falls on Saturday.
The kids were excited to see a frozen waterfall, but sadly we were only able to make it to the bridge. After that, the trail was pure ice.
We stopped to watch the river from the bridge, and it was beautiful to see the water flowing underneath ice. 
Paul tested out the trail beyond the bridge, but when he came sliding back down, he said we weren't going to be able to make it up any higher. :) The kids wanted to slide down like Dad did.
There was a great place to slide down further down the trail, and so we stopped there and slid over and over again. It was really fun!
It was so slick to get up. I think Paul was hoping to get a picture of me falling as payback for the one I got of him on the last hike. Ha! I had to hold on to the roots to pull myself up the hill.
When we got home Paul made a fire with the Magic Flames that he got for Christmas. It was cool to see the flames change colors. We had some hot chocolate and just hung out by the fire. It was such a fun day!


  1. It all sure looks great! When you said barn door I wasn't sure what you meant but it looks great and I'm sure will be great when one of you is up earlier or later than the other. Great job Tessa! A hundred books is a lot to read so I'm glad she was well rewarded for her efforts! How wonderful that your family all loved the new foods that you tried! They did look good. The magic flames look really cool! So glad you had such a good day!
