Monday, May 9, 2022


 I was able to help in Damon's class Easter party. I did a scratch art craft with the kids.

Saturday morning we went to our ward's Easter activity. The YSA's put it on, and it was an amazing activity! They did an egg hunt for the primary kids. You can see Damon climbing the tree to get an egg. :)
Then we all went inside for a Walk With Christ. People had shared their favorite picture of Christ, along with a description of why it's their favorite, and we walked around the church looking at all the pictures. The primary kids were invited to draw a picture of Christ, and those were hanging in one of the rooms. There were papers for the kids to fill out while we walked through, with eggs for them to look for with examples of ways they can become more like Christ on them.
It was such a great way to start our Easter weekend! It was such a well-done activity that helped us focus on Christ and we loved seeing some pictures that we hadn't seen before.

That night we went to Grandma & Gramps' house to celebrate with the Clark side of the family. There was a delicious dinner as always. :)
Followed by an egg hunt. Gramps and Emilie hid the eggs, and Gramps loves to make it a real challenge! Especially for the older grandkids. :)
Emilie made an amazing cake! She is so talented. It was beautiful and delicious!

Sunday morning we did our egg hunt and baskets at home.
Our ward made a special effort to have a meaningful, Christ-centered sacrament meeting. I sure appreciated that, and really enjoyed the meeting.

That night we had dinner and an egg hunt with the Ham Fam. It was a very busy Easter this year, but great to spend time with family and focus on Jesus Christ and express our appreciation for all that He has done for us.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great Easter. That activity looks amazing.
