Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 Johanna got the lead in a play at BYU-Idaho. I wanted to go see her and support her, so I went up there this past weekend with Grandma and Al. Gary & Julie's family were all there this weekend to see the play too, so it was a fun, family-filled weekend! We went straight to Costa Vida to meet everyone for dinner. It was great to see everyone and get to visit. It was so exciting when Julie showed us the shirt that Caleb & Johanna had given her right before dinner!!!

They're going to have a baby in January! They are so excited, and they're going to be the cutest parents. 

After dinner we went and checked into our airbnb, and then headed over to meet the Ham Fam at their vrbo. They couldn't find the check in code, and so they called the contact number from their confirmation email. The woman said the condo hadn't been a rental for 10 months and that there were permanent renters living there for that long. It was a total scam. It was so rotten! Gary and Julie spent the next 2 hours on the phone with vrbo trying to figure out where they could stay instead, and nothing was figured out in that time. They finally bagged it and booked a house on airbnb that was available this weekend. It was so frustrating!!

Saturday morning we went over to their house and had a delicious brunch. Then we went and played pickleball for a few hours. It was so much fun! Gary and I were a good team, and left the day undefeated. :) Ashley and I were a good team too, but couldn't pull off a win against Jacob and Caleb. We made them work really hard for it the second game though. It was a close one. I loved playing with everyone and getting some quality time with the Ham Fam.

That night we went to Blithe Spirit.
Johanna is an amazing actress! The character she played (Elvira, the Blithe Spirit) was the polar opposite of her real character, and she was totally believable as Elvira. That's talent!!

We had another brunch Sunday morning and then hung out at Gary's place until we went to church at 3:00. It was great to get so much time to visit that day. Wyatt fell asleep during church and we were all considering funny things to do to him. We thought a photo bomb with Grandma was probably the nicest option. :)
Johanna made delicious enchiladas for dinner and then we did a Come Follow Me lesson before another group went and played some more pickleball. I didn't have warm enough clothes, so I stayed back and was able to visit with Julie, Johanna, and Grandma. That was a lot of fun. We went over and saw Caleb & Johanna's apartment before saying our goodbyes and heading home to get a little sleep.
I've got to include this picture too. Grandma's knee gave out a couple times on Sunday. She was out walking by herself the first time and fell down. Luckily she didn't get hurt. The second time she and I were in the bathroom with Julie and Paige visiting while Paige showed us a few make-up tips. I saw it happening and was able to grab her before she fell again. I got her out to a chair, but then she wanted to keep visiting with us, so I carried the chair into the bathroom and Kyle carried Grandma into the bathroom. :)


  1. Such a great blog with perfect pictures and descriptions of that wonderful weekend! Johanna is such a beautiful actress and is so talented! As you said she's the total opposite of the part she played and that is good acting! Good job winning the pickle ball game with Gary! I'm impressed!

  2. I'm so glad we went. It was so fun.
