Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Everyday Adventures

 Rockwell and Levi are doing track in Orem this Spring. He enjoyed his first meet. He chose to run to 100m, throw the javelin and the shot put, and do the running long jump. He's really enjoying that the coaches are having the kids learn how to do all the field events this year. In the past, it's just been running at the practices.

Damon and Sonny took golf lessons at their school. He thought that was pretty fun.

Tessa got to dog-sit Sadie last weekend. She was so happy to get to play with her again.

Damon, Tessa, and I went to Wyatt's break dance recital. He has such talent and is so fun to watch!

We went to Carrie & Levi's on Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day for Grandma Clark. The kids loved playing out in their yard while the adults played games inside. It was a really fun night.

The kids were really excited about Crazy Hair Day at school last week. I think they turned out great. I worked up a sweat trying to get them all done before school that morning, but it was worth it. Haha! 
Paul did such a great job on Rockwell's haircut the night before. Rock loves it!
Tessa was excited for her colorful octopus.
Damon was a little bummed that his teacher asked that the kids didn't use color in their hair because it gets all over things in the classroom. He had planned to have each ponytail be a different color. We'll have to do that next year.

Richmond had a sleepover Thursday night while his parents were away celebrating their anniversary. He and Damon had so much fun! Turns out Richmond loves mac & cheese like Tessa does.
They thought they were so funny with this bum picture! :)

We were finally able to get an appointment for Rockwell to do baptisms for the dead in the temple. 
Paul was able to baptize him, and they both said that it was a great experience. I'm glad that Paul was able to be there with him for his first time there. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for supporting my kids! I love the temple pictures.
