Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Ham Fam Dinner

We went to Grandma and Grandpa Ham's for dinner on Sunday to celebrate Damon's birthday and Mother's Day for Grandma. Tessa was so cute when Grandma was opening her cards and presents. She told her she needed to put her feet up and reclined her chair for her. Tessa knows what Mother's Day is all about! ;)
Damon got so excited for each of his presents. It's so fun to watch little kids open gifts.
It was such a nice night spending time with family. The weather was perfect and the kids had a great time playing with all their cousins.
Grandpa took them for a ride in his truck. They thought that was awesome!
These three showed off their Backpack Kid moves. So stinkin' cute!

Damon loved playing with his new toys the next day. He tried so hard to catch a butterfly in his net. He has been talking about catching butterflies in springtime for months now. No luck yet though.

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